







    Artiklar i tidskrifter

  1. Eriksson, J. M. , Lundström, S. , Lichtenstein, P. , Bejerot, S. & Eriksson, E. (2016). Effect of co-twin gender on neurodevelopmental symptoms : a twin register study. Molecular Autism, 7.
  2. Humble, M. B. & Bejerot, S. (2016). Orgasm, Serotonin Reuptake Inhibition, and Plasma Oxytocin in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Gleaning From a Distant Randomized Clinical Trial . Sexual medicine , 4 (3), e145-e155.
  3. Manouilenko, I. & Bejerot, S. (2015). Sukhareva-Prior to Asperger and Kanner . Nordic Journal of Psychiatry , 69 (6), 1761-1764.
  4. Blomqvist, M. , Bejerot, S. & Dahllöf, G. (2015). A cross-sectional study on oral health and dental care in intellectually able adults with autism spectrum disorder . BMC Oral Health , 15.
  5. Fernell, E. , Bejerot, S. , Westerlund, J. , Miniscalco, C. , Simila, H. , Eyles, D. , Gillberg, C. & Humble, M. B. (2015). Autism spectrum disorder and low vitamin D at birth : a sibling control study. Molecular Autism, 6.
  6. Hesselmark, E. , Eriksson, J. M. , Westerlund, J. & Bejerot, S. (2015). Autism Spectrum Disorders and Self-reports : Testing Validity and Reliability Using the NEO-PI-R. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 45 (5), 1156-1166.
  7. McPhillips, M. , Finlay, J. , Bejerot, S. & Hanley, M. (2014). Motor deficits in children with autism spectrum disorder : a cross-syndrome study. Autism Research, 7 (6), 664-676.
  8. Manouilenko, I. , Eriksson, J. M. , Humble, M. B. & Bejerot, S. (2014). Minor physical anomalies in adults with autism spectrum disorder and healthy controls . Autism Research and Treatment, 2014.
  9. Hesselmark, E. , Plenty, S. & Bejerot, S.(2014). Group cognitive behavioural therapy and group recreational activity for adults with autism spectrum disorders : a preliminary randomized controlled trial. Autism, 18 (6), 672-683.
  10. Blomqvist, M. , Dahllöf, G. & Bejerot, S. (2014). Experiences of dental care and dental anxiety in adults with autism spectrum disorder . Autism Research and Treatment , 2014.
  11. Bejerot, S. , Eriksson, J. M. & Mörtberg, E. (2014). Social anxiety in adult autism spectrum disorder . Psychiatry Research , 220 (1-2), 705-707.
  12. Bejerot,S. & Eriksson, J. M. (2014). Sexuality and gender role in autism spectrum disorder : a case control study. PLoS ONE, 9 (1).
  13. Bejerot, S. & Nordin, V. (2014). Autismspektrumsyndrom ersätter Aspergers syndrome och autism [Autism spectrum syndrome replaces Asperger syndrome and autism].. Läkartidningen, 111 (39), 1660-1663.
  14. Bejerot, S. (2014). Ett överlappande och föränderligt landskap: [An overlapping and changing landscape]. Läkartidningen, 111 (39).
  15. Bejerot, S. , Edman, G. , Anckarsäter, H. , Berglund, G. , Gillberg, C. , Hofvander, B. , Humble, M. B. , Mörtberg, E. & et al. (2014). The Brief Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (BOCS) : a self-report scale for OCD and obsessive-compulsive related disorders. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 68 (8), 549-559.
  16. Tedroff, K. , Eriksson, J. & Bejerot, S. (2013). What has feet to do with it? Pes planus and medial arch height in adults with and without autism spectrum disorder. . Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders , 7 (1), 187-192.
  17. Manouilenko, I. , Pagani, M. , Stone-Elander, S. , Odh, R. , Brolin, F. , Hatherly, R. , Jacobsson, H. , Larsson, S. A. & et al. (2013). Autistic traits, ADHD symptoms, neurological soft signs and regional cerebral blood flow in adults with autism spectrum disorders . Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders , 7, 566-578.
  18. Plenty, S. , Heurlin, D. , Arlinde, C. & Bejerot, S. (2013). Applying an ESSENCE framework to understanding adult autism spectrum disorder and ADHD : retrospective parent reports of childhood problems. Scientific World Journal, 2013.
  19. Eriksson, J. M. , Andersen, L. M. & Bejerot, S. (2013). RAADS-14 Screen: validity of a screening tool for autism spectrum disorder in an adult psychiatric population. Molecular Autism, 4 (1).
  20. Bejerot, S. & Humble, M. B. (2013). Childhood clumsiness and peer victimization : a case-control study of psychiatric patients. BMC Psychiatry, 13.
  21. Bejerot, S. , Bruno, K. , Gerland, G. , Lindquist, L. , Nordin, V. , Pelling, H. & Humble, M. B. (2013). Misstänk PANDAS hos barn med akuta neuropsykiatriska symptom. Infektion bakom sjukdomen [Suspect PANDAS in children with acute neuropsychiatric symptoms. Infection behind the disease] : långvarig antibiotikabehandling bör övervägas  [long-term antibiotic therapy should be considered]. Läkartidningen, 110 (41), 1803-1803.
  22. Bejerot, S. , Plenty, S. , Humble, A. & Humble, M. B. (2013). Poor Motor Skills : A Risk Marker for Bully Victimization. Aggressive Behavior, 39 (6), 453-461.
  23. Humble, M. B. , Uvnäs-Moberg, K. , Engström, I. & Bejerot, S. (2013). Plasma oxytocin changes and anti-obsessive response during serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment : a placebo controlled study. BMC Psychiatry, 13, 344.
  24. Pertusa, A. , Bejerot, S. , Eriksson, J. , Fernández de la Cruz, L. , Bonde, S. , Russell, A. & Mataix-Cols, D. (2012). Do patients with hoarding disorder have autistic traits? . Depression and anxiety (Print) , 29 (3), 210-218.
  25. Pagani, M. , Manouilenko, I. , Stone-Elander, S. , Odh, R. , Salmaso, D. , Hatherly, R. , Brolin, F. , Jacobsson, H. & et al. (2012). Brief Report : alterations in cerebral blood flow as assessed by PET/CT in adults with autism spectrum disorder with normal IQ. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 42 (2), 313-318.
  26. Mörtberg, E. , Tilfors, K. & Bejerot, S. (2012). Screening for ADHD in an adult social phobia sample . Journal of Attention Disorders , 16 (8), 645-649.
  27. Bejerot, S. , Eriksson, J. M. , Bonde, S. , Carlström, K. , Humble, M. B. & Eriksson, E. (2012). The extreme male brain revisited : gender coherence in adults with autism spectrum disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry, 201, 116-123.
  28. Mörtberg, E. , Clark, D. M. & Bejerot, S. (2011). Intensive group cognitive therapy and individual cognitive therapy for social phobia : sustained improvement at 5-year follow-up. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25 (8), 994-1000.
  29. Bejerot, S. , Humble, M. B. & Gardner, A. (2011). Endocrine disruptors, the increase of autism spectrum disorder and its comorbidity with gender identity disorder : a hypothetical association. International Journal of Andrology, 34 (5 Pt 2).
  30. Andersen, L. M. J. , Näswall, K. , Manouilenko, I. , Nylander, L. , Edgar, J. , Ritvo, R. A. , Ritvo, E. & Bejerot, S. (2011). The Swedish version of the Ritvo autism and asperger diagnostic scale : revised (RAADS-R). A validation study of a rating scale for adults. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 41 (12), 1635-1645.
  31. Bejerot, S. (2011). The relationship between poor motor skills and neurodevelopmental disorders . Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , 53 (9), 779-779.
  32. Bejerot, S. , Edgar, J. & Humble, M. B. (2011). Poor performance in physical education : a risk factor for bully victimization. A case-control study. Acta Paediatrica, 100 (3), 413-419.
  33. Jarhult, B. , Morfeldt, L. , Bengtsson, S. , Canivet, C. , Thörn, A. , Bejerot, S. , Olsson, P. & Petersson, C. (2011). Bakvänd implementering av "Guldgruvan" : [Reverse implementation of "the Gold-mine"]. Läkartidningen, 108 (16-17), 931-932.
  34. Bejerot, E. , Aronsson, G. , Hasselbladh, H. & Bejerot, S. (2011). Läkarkåren - en profession med allt mindre stöd och inflytande. Enkätstudie av svenska läkares arbetsmiljö 1992 och 2010: [The medical profession, a profession with less and less support and influence. A questionnaire study the occupational environment of Swedish physicians in 1992 and 2010]. Läkartidningen, 108 (50), 2652-2656.
  35. Rück, C. , Andersson, E. M. , Andréewitch, S. , Bejerot, S. , Ivarsson, T. , Bates, S. & Lindefors, N. (2011). Om och om igen … tvångs­cirkeln kan brytas: [Again and again--the obsessive circle can be broken]. Läkartidningen, 108 (14), 798-801.
  36. Bejerot, S. , Gardner, A. & Humble, M. B. (2011). D-vitaminbrist [Vitamin D deficiency] : vems ansvar? [who's responsibility?]. Läkartidningen, 108 (14), 812-812.
  37. Humble, M. B. , Gustafsson, S. & Bejerot, S. (2010). Low serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) among psychiatric out-patients in Sweden : relations with season, age, ethnic origin and psychiatric diagnosis. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 121 (1-2), 467-470.
  38. Bejerot, S. , Rydén, E. M. & Arlinde, C. M. (2010). Two-year outcome of treatment with central stimulant medication in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder : a prospective study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71 (12), 1590-1597.
  39. Bejerot, S. (2010). ST-handledare - ett omöjligt uppdrag?: [Internship supervisor--an impossible mission?]. Läkartidningen, 107 (29-31), 1785-1786.
  40. Bejerot, S. (2010). Ingen tjänar på att det går inflation i autismspektrumbegreppet: [No one benefits from inflation of the autism spectrum concept]. Läkartidningen, 107 (47), 2978-2930.
  41. Rydén, E. , Thase, M. E. , Stråht, D. , Åberg-Wistedt, A. , Bejerot, S. & Landén, M. (2009). A history of childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) impacts clinical outcome in adult bipolar patients regardless of current ADHD . Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica , 120 (3), 239-246.
  42. Järhult, B. & Bejerot, S. (2009). Evidensbasera kvalitetsrgistren! [Evidence-base the quality registries!] . Läkartidningen , 106 (30-31), 1912-1913.
  43. Gardner, A. , Salmaso, D. , Varrone, A. , Sanchez-Crespo, A. , Bejerot, S. , Jacobsson, H. , Larsson, S. A. & Pagani, M. (2009). Differences at brain SPECT between depressed females with and without adult ADHD and healthy controls : etiological considerations. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 5.
  44. Bejerot, S. & Mörtberg, E. (2009). Do autistic traits play a role in the bullying of obsessive-compulsive disorder and social phobia sufferers? . Psychopathology , 42 (3), 170-176.
  45. Bejerot, S. (2009). Ska toppstyrd registerforskarindustri ersätta patientnära forskning? : [Is top directed registry research industry to substitute near-patient research?]. Läkartidningen, 106 (30-31), 1918-1918.
  46. Bejerot, S. (2009). Kvalitetsregister – hot mot vårdkvalitet, arbetsmiljö och klinisk forskning? : [Quality registry--a threat against quality of health care, occupational environment and clinical research?]. Läkartidningen, 106 (14), 986-986.
  47. Rydén, E. & Bejerot, S. (2008). Autism spectrum disorder in an adult psychiatric population. A naturalistic cross sectional controlled study . Clinical Neuropsychiatry , 5 (1), 13-21.
  48. Bejerot, S. & Wetterberg, L. (2008). Autism spectrum disorders and psychiatric co-morbidity in adolescents and adults . Clinical Neuropsychiatry , 5, 3-8.
  49. Sahlander, C. , Mattsson, M. & Bejerot, S. (2008). Motor function in adults with Asperger's disorder : a comparative study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 24 (2), 73-81.
  50. Bejerot, S. & Humble, M. B. (2008). Hög förekomst av autism hos svensk-somaliska barn [Increased occurrence of autism among Somali children] : Kan D-vitaminbrist spela in? [Does vitamin D deficiency play a role?]. Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening, 128 (17), 1986-1987.
  51. Bejerot, S. & Humble, M. B. (2008). D-vitamin och graviditet [Vitamin D and pregnancy]: Etnisk-kulturella riktlinjer efterlyses [Ethnocultural guidelines wanted]. Läkartidningen , 105 (35), 2343-2344.
  52. Mörtberg, E. , Bejerot, S. & Åberg Wistedt, A. (2007). Temperament and character dimensions in patients with social phobia : patterns of change following treatments?. Psychiatry Research, 152 (1), 81-90.
  53. Isacsson, G. , Bejerot, S. & Jarbin, H. (2007). Färre barm behandlas med SSRI, fler begår självmord. Oroväckande trend bland barn och unga i USA [Fewer children are treated with SSRI, more commit suicide. Alarming trend among children and adolescents in USA] . Läkartidningen , 104 (43), 3180-3181.
  54. Bejerot, S. & Humble, M. B. (2007). Relevance of motor skill problems in victims of bullying . Pediatrics , 120 (5), 1227-1228.
  55. Bejerot, S. (2007). An autistic dimension : a proposed subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Autism, 11 (2), 101-110.
  56. Bejerot, S. (2006). Utestängd patientgrupp. Nytänkande krävs för vuxna med ADHD/Tourette/autismspektrumtillstånd: [Excluded patient group. A new approach is necessary for adults with ADHD/Tourette syndrome/autism spectrum disorders]. Läkartidningen, 103 (19), 1508-1508.
  57. Isacsson, G. & Bejerot, S. (2005). Har Läkemedelsverket lämnat den evidensbaserade medicinen? Bannlysningen av SSRI till barn och ungdomar vilar på lösan grund [Has the Medical Products Agency left the evidence-based medicine? The banning of SSRI to children and adolescents is unfounded] . Läkartidningen, 102 (6), 408-409.
  58. Bejerot, S. (2004). Upprättelse! Diagnos kan bli vändpunkt för vuxna med ADHD/autismspektrumstörning: [Rehabilitation! Diagnosis can be a turning point for adults with ADHD/autism spectrum disorders]. Läkartidningen, 101 (42), 3222-3223.
  59. Bejerot, S. & Nylander, L. (2003). Low prevalence of smoking in patients with autism spectrum disorders . Psychiatry Research , 119 (1-2), 177-182.
  60. Bejerot, S. (2003). Psychosurgery for obsessive-compulsive disorder : concerns remain. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 107 (4), 241-243.
  61. Bejerot, S. (2003). Medicinsk kommentar: Psykokirurgi idag – en kritisk betraktelse. Svåra biverkningar av kapsulotomi visar sig efter 50 års användning: [Psychosurgery today--a critical reflection. Severe adverse effects of capsulotomy seen after 50 years of use]. Läkartidningen, 100 (32-33), 2502-2504.
  62. Humble, M. B. , Bejerot, S. & Bergqvist, P. B. F. (2002). Reactivity of serotonin in whole blood: response to Mulder et al. . Biological Psychiatry , 51 (3), 267-268.
  63. Bejerot, S. , Nylander, L. & Lindström, E. (2001). Autistic traits in obsessive-compulsive disorder . Nordic Journal of Psychiatry , 55 (3), 169-176.
  64. Humble, M. , Bejerot, S. , Bergqvist, P. B. & Bengtsson, F. (2001). Reactivity of serotonin in whole blood : relationship with drug response in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 49 (4), 360-368.
  65. Bejerot, S. , von Knorring, L. & Ekselius, L. (2000). Personality traits and smoking in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder . European psychiatry , 15 (7), 395-401.
  66. Bejerot, S. & Humble, M. B. (1999). Low prevalence of smoking among patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder . Comprehensive Psychiatry, 40 (4), 268-272.
  67. Bejerot, S. & Bodlund, O. (1998). Response to high doses of citalopram in treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder . Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica , 98 (5), 423-424.
  68. Bejerot, S. , Schlette, P. , Ekselius, L. , Adolfsson, R. & von Knorring, L. (1998). Personality disorders and relationship to personality dimensions measured by the Temperament and Character Inventory in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder . Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica , 98 (3), 243-249.
  69. Bejerot, S. , Ekselius, L. & von Knorring, L. (1998). Comorbidity between obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and personality disorders . Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica , 97 (6), 398-402.
  70. Bejerot, S. (1998). Kapsulotomi vid tvångssyndrom, en överflödig behandlingsform? Läkemedel och beteendeterapi ger god effekt : [Is capsulotomy in obsessive-compulsive syndromes an unnecessary therapeutic method? Good results with drug therapy and behavior therapy]. Läkartidningen, 95 (45), 5003-5005.
  71. Bejerot, S. (1992). Tvångssyndromet. Nya aspekter på psykiatrins kameleont: [The obsessive-compulsive syndrome: new aspects of a psychiatric chameleon]. Läkartidningen, 89 (36), 2842-2844.

    Artiklar, forskningsöversikter

  73. Bejerot, S. , Gardner, A. & Humble, M. B. (2014). Diagnostik och terapi utmanar än, trots snabb tillväxt av kunskap [Diagnosis and therapy are still challenging, despite the rapid growth of knowledge]. Läkartidningen, 111 (39), 1638-1641.
  74. Kooij, S. J. J. , Bejerot, S. , Blackwell, A. , Caci, H. , Casas-Brugué, M. , Carpentier, P. J. , Edvinsson, D. , Fayyad, J. & et al. (2010). European consensus statement on diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD : The European Network Adult ADHD. BMC Psychiatry, 10.

    Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

  76. Bejerot, S. & Bejerot, N. (1984). Representativitet i en studie av intravenöst missbruk bland arrestanter i Stockholm. I: J. Ewers, J. Hartelius, SCI: de två första verksamhetsåren (ss. 90-97). Markaryd: Scipio.